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Development Services

University Heights Villa Lot 352

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS VILLA LOT 352.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS Villa Lot 352 0 tz 'ft;C,... J // SE 73' measured on south line & st. closed adJ- John M. & Dorothy w. Tuve to const sin f am res & gar to obs 3' SB (aver of blk 7' 2" req) 1060 Johnson Ave. Zone R-2 TABLED. c-2581 6-26-59 ABOVE RE-ACTIVATED & permit granted. C-2581 5-4-62 ABOVE APPEALED by Charles E. Hendricks & Barbara Hendricks 5-14-62. APPEAL DENIED & the decision of the Z.A. was sustained & affirmed. C-2581 6-20-62