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Development Services

University Heights Villa Lot 73 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS VILLA LOT 73 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS Ville. Lot 73 N200'- Operation of a chicken house (500 hens) in R-4, Copley Ave., 2935 DENIED to E.c. Copeland. Res. 64996 10-6-36 Por- Permit to Chester H. Denzin to const sin fam res no street frontage, easement 4' wide to Suncrest Dr., rear of 2932 Suncrest Dr,condl Res. 4007 7-13-49 Por- Permit to Benj I. Kelly, pur & Chas & Loro c. Jensen, own to coost res, on par of land without st fr but with access to st by 4' easement, N of Suncrest Dr., betw Kansas & 30th Sts. Res. 1280 1-17-46 Por- Permit DENIED to Chas & Lora Jensen to const 3 res on par without st fr at rear of 2932 Suncrest Dr. Res. 3484 10-20-48 Por- Permit to Chester H. Denzin to const sin fam res on par of land without st fr but served by 4' easement, rear of 2932 Suncrest. Res. 3497 10-20-48 Por- Condl permit to Chester Denzin to move res from front to rear of prop & const sin fam res on front of lot not having full st frontage, making total of 5 units on prop 4 units to be served by 4' aceess ct along improved alley at 2932 Suncrest Dr. c-648 7-30-56 1--------------------------------------------------------------2------------------------ Por- Permit to Chester H. Denzin to move sin fam res from front of lot to rear & oonst sin fam res on front, making total of 5 units, 4 units to be served by 4' access ct to st along 20' improved alley, 2932 Suncrest Dr. C-700 7-30-56