University Hills #1 Resub. 1 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HILLS #1 RESUB. 1 CARD 1.tif \Lot 3- Request DENIED University City, Inc., own, & Mobil Oil Co., station & reduce landscaping strip to 5' on lot 3 at SE cor Regents canst 12' revolving sign to project 4'6 11 over req 15' SB zone C-IA. lessee to:1::,~ce Rd. & Governor Dr. & to Cases#4643 & 4644 1-12-62 Lot 3- ABOVE APPEALED and APPEAL DENIED The decision of the Zoning Administrator was sustained and affirmed. Cases#4643 & 4644 3-6-62 Lot I- Z/A considered AMENDED appl of Robert & Darline Hood to maint 85' of 9 1 611 blk wall obs a 2' SB from Regents Rd. & obs a O' side yd; to maint approx 32' of 7 1 611 solid wall & plastic panel obs a O' side yd where a max 6 1 solid wall or fence is perm in req side yd & a 3' solid wall or fence it perm in an estab SB at 6064 Carnegie St. betw Scripps Way & end of cul de sac, Zone R-1-5 & has DEN I ED the app 1 as req but APPROVED the fo 11 owing: (1) that the existing wall shall be reduced to a ht of 4 1 611 in the estab SB parallel to & fronting on Regents Rd.; reduced to a ht 4 1 6" on the N prop line for a distance of 6 1 from the existin~ wall fronting on Regents Rd.; reduced in ht to 4 1 611 on the S prop line for a distance of 50' from the existing wall fronting on Regents Rd.; (2) that a max 5' sol id fence or wall may be erected 6 1 inside the exist wall parallel with Regents Rd., connecting to the exist wall on the N prop line extending Stoa point 3' inside the S prop line, then parallel with & 3' inside the S prop line for a distance of 42', cond'l. Case#9615 12-19-69 Lot 1- DENIED req to Panorama Corp to maint for a per of 1 yr exist 4 1 x 4 1 triangular shaped single faced unlighted directional sign (max 8 sq ft sign perm) zone R-1, SE cor Regents Rd. & Governor Rd. Case#5677 8-15-63------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------