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Development Services

University Hills # 12 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HILLS # 12 CARD 1.tif UllVDSITl' BILIS 112 l,'-/75-S Lot 994- Permit DEil.ED to Donald & Mary Hartleben to enclose exist 20' x 22' patio ancl convert to rec and utility room; patio nov obs and recreation room to obs 5' rear yard, where 20' 1a req; at 4494 Bentiurat Ave betw Erlanger St anc1 Ce.mroae Ave being in Zone R-l-5, C-10983 l-14-72 APPEALED- Appeal ORAl'l'!J) and tile decision of tbe Z.A. be, and llereby is overruled, and tbe appellant's appeal is sustained subject to conc1itioaa. c-10983 3-20-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 969- Z.A. nas considered the request of Dr. Frank & Katl:le-rine Degenero to constr 16' x 26 1 fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs at closest point a 15' rear yd where 20' is req, at 6303 Benhurst Court betw Bennurst Ave and end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5 and nas DENIED as req, but APPROVED a 20' rear yd setback to be measured from tne mid-point of tne proposed addition. C-11254 N.H. 6-9-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 912- Permit to Karl Gelfano to erect a 5' fence to encl. swimm. Pl., fence to obs. I' at clos. pt. whr. a 10' st. Sd. yd. is req. at 6415 Farley Dr. Zone R-1-5 Sub. to conditions. Ob. Bldg. per. prior to errec. of fenc. C- 13204 6-30-75 Lot 894- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Glen Brotherton at 6408 Farley Dr., Zone R-1-5 to constr. 12' x 24' rm addn to exst sinfam dwell resulting in 42% lot cover. Condit. C-15982 4/13/79