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Development Services

University Place Block 1 Card 1

UNIVERSITY PLACE BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY Pf:ACE BLOCK 1 Lot 9- Cond 1 1 permit to Alfred & Mildred W. Williams Jr. to convert por of exist store bldg at 1477 University Ave. into one apt with 0 1 side yd. See Agreementj228 Res,#264 4-16-43 Lot 8- DENIED permit to Clemons Smith to convert exisL2nd floc,r at 1469 Univer~ity Ave. into 3 apts. with no side yd on either side. Res.#682 8-3-44 Lot 1- Permit to H.C. Johnson to erect an 8 1 corrugated iron fence 3' across rear of the prop at 1413- 19 University Ave. approx in rear 70 1 along side lot line. Res.#1292 1-17-46 Lot 17- Cond 1 l permit to H,H, & Frances L. Remple to canst 5th!iv unit svd. by 6 1 7" access ct, 1424 Essex St. Res.#3699 2-9-49 S. 50 1 of Lots 10 & 11- Cond 1 l permit to Pearl Mason & Gertie P. Wynes to enclose exist porch & const 6 1 x 16 1 screen porch & make inter. alter. to res, having 11 611 side yd at 3802 Herbert St., Zone R-4. Res.#4821 712-50 Lot 9- Permit to Mildred L. MacPberson & Alfred Williams Jr. to canst liv rm, dining rm & bdrm add to sin fam res in rear of commercial bldg; add result in approx 75% cov (70% perm) at 1483 Univ Ave. betw Richmond & Herbert Sts., Zone C, Case#5245 10-11-6: Lot 1- Planning Director APPROVED Sidewalk Cafe Permit request of PETER KATZ, OWNER: CINDY SIEGER, LESSEE, to establish a sidewalk cafe encroaching into the public ROW where such use is permitted by Sidewalk Cafe Permit only,located at 1417 University Ave,, CN-2A Zone, Mid-City Communities Planned District, Conditions. C-91-0197 12/6/91