University View Estates # 1
UNIVERSITY VIEW ESTATES # 1.tif.... ~ UNIVERSITY VIEW ESTATES #1 Lots 12-15 & 37-39- Permit to Beaver Invest. Corp. to const sin fam res with gar on each lot & use same for model homes with sales office in gar on Lot 14; erect one 2' x 3' unlite sign on Lot 14; & 1 free-stand ext-lite 8 1 x 24' direct sign on Lot 14 at Peylon Pl. & Limerick Ave., N end of Limerick R-1 1 year. C-4813 3-19-62.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 31- AGREEMENT with YVONNE M. STEWART to construct an addition to a single-family dwelling consisting of a family room and master bedroom with interior access from living room to family room and exterior access in the master bedroom, master bedroom addition to include full bath, walk-in closet and bar sink; at 5256 Northridge, Rl-5000 zone. AGREEMENT #4577 3-29-90