University Village # 1 Card 1
UNIVERSITY VILLAGE # 1 CARD 1.tif tlNIVERSITY VlLLAGE UNIT No. 1-.. d4all /fl I~ Lots 63, 121-123- Permit to University City Inc. to maint exist sin fam res on each lot & use same for model homes with one 2' x 2' sin faced, post mounted, unlighted model identification sign on ea lot; use portable bldg on Por P.L. 1276 for tract sales office witn 1 post mounted, sin faced, unlighted 3' x 10' sales office sign; all for a period not to exceed 1 yr (sin fam res & max 8 sq ft sign perm) on Florey St. & Cather Ave., NW eor Cather Ave. & Florey St., Zone R-1 condl C-5294 11-9-62 Ext to exp 11-9-64 (11-8-63)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 13- Permit to Scott & Bonnie Naliboff to erect 56' ret wall ranging in ht from 3' to 5', obs O' st sideyd on Finsen Ave where max 3' hi wall is perm in 10' st sioeyd and 15' st Udeyd within rear 20' when rearyd adj frtyd of adj premises, at 6967 Haworth St. Zone R- 1-5. C-13269 N.H. 8-8-75 Lot 33- Permit APPROVED by AZA to Victor and Gloria Ravelo to erect approximately 110' of retaining wall ranging in height from 4 1 to 8 1 and observing a O' front setback on Ramsay Avenue, and O' street side yard on Haworth Street where maximum 3' wall is permitted in established 15' setback on Ramsay and 12' setback on Haworth Street, at 4635 Ramsay Avenue, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-16869 NH 7-16-80