University Village # 7 Card 1
UNIVERSITY VILLAGE # 7 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY VILLAGE #7 fo-580-.5 Lot 533- Permit to Miguel P. Medina DENIED by Bd. of Zoning Appeals to maintain 7' hi fence obs 0 1 rear yd and O' str sideyd at 6958 Lipmann St., Zone R-1-5. C-15496 1/3/79----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 521- AGREEMENT to George & Marie Ehman to constr 2nd story addn with bar sink to exist one story SFD at 7079 Lipmann St., zone R-1-5. AGREE. #2689 8/5/81 Lot 540- AGREEMENT to EDWARD F. PLOW ANO JANEL, HOOVER-PLOW to construct a second floor bedroom and bath addition over the garage attached to an existing single-family dwelling, at 4359 Rous Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2877 11-29-82