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Development Services

Valencia Park # 1 Block 10 Card 1

VALENCIA PARK # 1 BLOCK 10 CARD 1.tif VALENCIA PARK #1 Lot 6- Permit to Edw yd, 40' from front, E /-BLOCK 10 & Lulu O'Connor to const res & att gar, 4' sideyd, side San Jacinto betw Trinidad Way & Santa Marla Terr. ~.~ min 18 1 \;, ar Res. 4895 8-9-50 Lot 10- Permit to Amos & Eva Todd DENIED to convert exist gar to bedrm & bath add to sin fam res; add obs 2' rear yd at 473 San Jacinto Dr. betw Santa Maria Terr. & Trinidad St., R-1. C-3455 7-15-60 Lot 7- Permit to TEDDY EL AND PEGGY A. BAIER was considered by AZA to (1) erect ap- proximately 61' of 8 1 high retaining walls with 3' high chain link fence on top to observe a 0' front yard where a maximum 3' high retaining wall with 3' high open fence on top is permitted in 15' front yard and (2) to erect approximately 60' of 6 1 to 8 1 high retaining wall to observe 0' side yard where a maximum 6 1 high retaining wall is permitted in a 4 1 side yard and has DENIED as requested but APPROVED 30' of 5' to 8 1 high retaining walls with 3' high chain link fence on top (overall height 8 1, to 11 1') to observe O' ffonr yard at the closest point, at 447 South San Jacinto Drive, Zone R-l'-5. Conditions. C-17088 NH 1-22-81 Lot 6- Agreement with Ed Simpson to install a bathroom with shower, 8'x4" in size, in a portion of an existing garage. Interim access from the dining room with exterior access from the existing garage door, located at 441 San Jacinto Drive, zone SF-5000. Agreement #4201 1-3-89