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Development Services

Valencia Park #1 Block 3 Card 2

VALENCIA PARK #1 BLOCK 3 CARD 2.tif V''\.I ENCI \ P\RK ~1aT Ill Block 3 lots 28 & 29-.\i}HEUtENT d257 to D.':. Westmorel,md ind EJ.eanor l'ary Hes,.morel1nd to install partitions in exisc gqr qnd use:rm in g11r as sleeping quarters. JJ/19/43----------------------------------------------- Lot 4- Permit to Jerome & Rose Gardner to cons t 14' x 22 '411 recreat I on rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs at clst pt 16' rearyd where 20' req, 303 S. San Jacinto Dr, Zone R-1-5. C-13494 N.H. 1-20-76 Lot 49- Permit DENIED to Vasa Mary Snorey to const a two-story, sfd to obs a O' front yd at the clst pt on Manzanares Way at Churchward Street. Zone R-1-5. C-14775, 12-6-77, Lot 20- AGREEMENT with HORLENCHIA WESTMORLAND to convert an existing garage into 2 bed- rooms and 3/4 bath. Conversion has interior access via hallway into kitchen and exterior access into rear yard. At 5538 Trinidad Way, SF-5000, AG# 4551 3/1/90.- Lot 12- ZA DENI.ED permit as requested but APPIDVED items 1 and 2 for BYRON J. JOSEPH II to construct a single-family dwelling w/ 1) attached garage observing a 15'-0" front yard where 25'-0" is required for garages which face the street and take access from that street; 2)pedestrian/driveway ramp maximum 18'-0" high w/in the required front yard where a nrudmum 3 '-0" high structure is pennitted; 3) providing 33% hardscape w/in the required front yard where 30% maximum is penuitted; located at 5464 Trinidad Way, SF-5000 Zone. Conditions. C-20496 2-16-90---------------------------'-------------------1