Valencia Park # 2 Block 13 Card 1
VALENCIA PARK # 2 BLOCK 13 CARD 1.tif VALENCIA PARK UNIT No. ~ BLOCK 13 Lots 18-20 & st. closing of Santa Maria owner & A.H. Jonnson, pur to div into 2 Santa Maria Terr. (See below) Ten. ~~c!.;;~mit to Jonn't.0-Af par Ely cor of San Mateo Dr., L.A. Pl. & Res. 4457 2-23-50 L4ts 18-20 & st. closing of Santa Maria Terr adj- Ext to Res. 4457 ABOVE to Jonn Sedlack own & A.H. Johnson, purcn. Res. 4894 8-9-50 Lot 29- Permit to Melvin w. & Dorothy v. Chadwick to const res witn 5' SB from front Nly side of San Onofre, 400' Wly of Las Flores Terr. Res. 5910 10-3-51 Ely 651,c,> f Lots 18 & 19- Permit to Robert Earl & Anita Slagel to const res to be back of SB line betw Point 5' S back from fr prop line along NEly lot line & 10' back on SWcy line SEly side San Mateo Dr. Res. 6050 12-12-51 Ely 65 1 of Lots 18 & 19- Permit to Robert Earl & Anita Slagel to const res on par not of record at time of zoning, SEly side San Mateo Dr. Res. 6049 12-12-51 Lot 3- Permit to w.v. & Lola B, Colliver to erect res witn 10' SB, SE side of San Mateo Dr., 200' SW of Las Flores. Res. 7440 5-27-53 Lots 20 & 21- Permit to Jas E. Clickner to const sin fam res witn 5' SB on San Onofre Terr., NR Santa Maria Terr. Clad, Res._TN~-----1Q=l4=23-----------------------------------------------------------------