Valencia Park # 2 Block 17 Card 1
VALENCIA PARK # 2 BLOCK 17 CARD 1.tif VALENCIA PARK No. 2 BLOCK 17 Lot 10 & st. clsd. adj- Dale L. & Emma Jean Gardner to const sin fam res & gar on parcel without st. frontage but served by 20' recorded easement to st. NW of San Onefre Terr. betw Los Angeles Pl. & San Onofre Terr. R-1 Zone TABLED. Cf?795 9-11-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- AGRDMIIIT to B_ylveater & Vera Hullum to conatr tam rm, bedna & batb addn to exist ein tam c!vell w{bar sink in proposed. tam rm at 521 Los Allgelee,Pl., Zone R-1-5. A-1661 12-2-10---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 11, Por 21- Permit to James & Zenolia Price to constr sin fam dwell with bar sink in recreation room on lower floorat 5520 San Onofre Terrace. Zone R-1~5- AGREE #1697 7-27-71 Por Lot 21 and Lot 11- Also Block 13- Permit to James & Zenolia Price to maintain sin fam res now under constr obs 5'8" front yd wnere 15' is req; at 5520 San Onofre Terrace betw Olvera Ave and Las Flores. Zone R-1-5. C-10880 11-17-71 Lot 10- Permit to Thurman and Donna Stockton to constr sin fam dwell on lot wittl no street frontage but served by a 20' private easement where 50' frontage on a dedicated street is req, on San Onofre Terrace betw Olvera Ave and Miraflores Dr. Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. C-11240 6-6-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------