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Development Services

Valle Vista Terrace Block O

VALLE VISTA TERRACE BLOCK O.tif VALLE VISTA TE~RACE BLOCK 0 Lot 22 & E of 23, Zone A suspended for Pete Boisseree (Adams & Panorama Dr.) Res.#37490 4-12-26---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Lots 35 & 36, Zone A suspended. Owner A. Ray Neptune,-. Res.#39083 9-7-26----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 12 & 13, Suspension of 9407 to allow private gar with an apt above, DENIED to Mrs. A.E. Rulon. (Cliff & Panorama SW) 1-11-32-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 37 & 38, por- Permit to Ralph Bert & Muriel Roberta Lyckberg to constr a 22' x 14 1 61 gar addn to exist sin fam dwell on lot, dwell non-conforming as to front yd (5'); addn to result in approx 51% cover where 5Cf/o is perm at 2120 Adams Ave betw Panorama Dr & Alabama St., Zone R-4. C-10209 NH 11-24-70 IDt 15 & North 1/2 of 16- ZA denied as requested but approved the request of Brian N. Hadley- to construct an addition to the nonconfonning SFD which-would observe a 3'-3" side yard at the closest point where a 4'-0" side yard is required, w/corrl, at 4791 Panorama, Map 1081, Rl-5000 zone. C-19808 1/19/88