Valle Vista Terrace Card 4
VALLE VISTA TERRACE CARD 4.tif VALLE VISTA TERRACE IOil-~ CARD #4 Por, Lot 366- Variance for property at Adams Avenue & Florida- Trolley Barn Site was Tabled (see memo in case for more information), C-20332 7/7/89------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por. Lots 366 & 367- PLANNING DIRECroR GRANTED a Resource Protection overlay Zone Permit to THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO to develop a conmmity park, located on the north side of Adams Avenue between Georgia Street and Alabama Street in the Uptown COnmunity Planning Area, R-1000 (HR overlay) Zone. RPOZ #88-0290 5-20-88 Lot 375- ZA APPROVED, with conditions, the variance sought by Donald O. Cramer to construct an 84 sq. ft. porch to observe a 2'-0" front yard, at the closest point, where a 15'-0" front yard is required (the existing house was constructed observing an 8'-0" front yard, located at 4748 Panorama Drive, Rl-5000, Rl-40,000 zones, Hillside Review Overlay Zone. C-19990 07/15/88 Portion of villa Lot No. 381- Conditional Use permit approved to Anna K. Rosciszewski, owner- to maintain garage converted to guest quarters where such use is permitted by CUP only. 4784 Panarana Drive, Rl-40,000. C-21153 03/04/94