Valley Granado Map 3429 Card 1
VALLEY GRANADO MAP 3429 CARD 1.tif VALLEY GRANADO, Map No. 3429 Portions of Lots 2,3,4,&5- ZA APPROVED request of LEONARD & LOIS ZLOTOFF, owners; JOHN & MARY JEWELL OBA BEDROCK TOWING, lessees to operate an impound storage yard where such use requires a Conditional Use Permit and to result in 29 parking spaces where 45 are required at Interstate 805 & portion east of Home Ave.,, located at 4345 Home Ave., Zoned CA &Rl-5000. ~~~~-~~~~=:--~---=~.:-!..[________________:=~=~~~-------------~~~~~~~---------- Lot 5- CUP REVOKED by ZA- Permit of LEIONARD & LOIS ZLOTOFF, TRUSTEEES, MARY & JOHN JEWELL, DBA BEDROCK TOWING, OWNERS, to operate towing company which is no longer at this location, located at 4245 Home AVenue, CA Zone, Rl-5000 Zone, Hillside Review Overlay Zone. C-19062 7/26/91 (1D