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Development Services

Venice Park Block 3 Card 1

VENICE PARK BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif ', ' Vl:'.N I CE PARK BLOCK 3 Lot 30- Permit to Andrew T. La Pointe & Edward Gillitzer to const sin 7'611 SB, with l off-street park, NW cor Fortuna Ave. & Cr. Pt. Dr. Res.#6761 9-3-52---------------------------------------------------------------------------~------- Lot 30 (exc. Nly 15')- Permit to Elmer B. & Mabel C. Locke to const sin car gar with l' SB at SE cor of gar & 5' SB at NE cor of gar, 4010 Crown Point Dr. Res.#7448 5-27-53 Lots 43- 46- Permit to Thomas M. & Marjorie Haynes to const a 20 unit apt bldg resulting in 53.5% cov where 50% is perm in the 4000 blk of Crown Pt. Dr. betw Pac. Beach Dr. & Fortuna Ave., Zone R-4. Case#9669 1-27-70 Lots 35 & 36- z.A. nas considered the request of Mel Gorham to construct an 8-unit apt bldg witn 4 parking spaces in front yd obs 11'6" from face of curb, where 18' is req and 4 parking spaces in rear yard with a 20' turnaround, where 21' is req at 4046 Crown Point Dr betw Fortuna Ave and Pacific Beacn Dr. Zone R-4 and nas DENIED the req 20' turning radius, but APffl0VED a 21' ~urning radiua. C-10571 7-2-71----------------------------------------------------------------T------ Lots 1 & 2- Pennit DENIED by ZA, to Kenneth R. Yankee to construct a 10'5" X 18' carport addition to existing single-family dwelling and apartments; addition (1) to observe a 3'511 front yard where 15' is required, and (2) to observe a 3'9" interior side yard where 4' is required, at 4091 Morrell Street, Zone R-2A. CASE 16526 1-11-80