Venice Park Block 4 Card 2
VENICE PARK BLOCK 4 CARD 2.tif VENICE PARK BLOCK 4 Card #2 Lots 13 & 14- Permit DENIED to Peter A Zarcades to const 4-unit apt bldg on 5,950 sq. ft. lot where not more than I dwell unit is perm for ea 1,500 sq. ft. of lot area, 3945 Lamont St, Zone R-2A. C-13542 3-19-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 30, & 31- A2A APPROVED request to (1) construct a three-story, four-unit condominium building on a lot containing 5,939 sq. ft. where 6,000 sq. ft. is required; and DENIED (2) to result in approximately 45% lot coverage where a maximum 40% is permitted, but APPROVED 43% coverage, at 3926 Honeycutt Street, Zone R-2A. Conditions. APPLICANT: JBL l NV ESTMENTS C- 16904 9-5-80 Lots 26 & 27- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Coastal Development & Sensitive Coastal Resource Permit to GEORGE KELLY to demolish the existing single-family unit and construct three condominium units with attached garages located at 3904 Crown Point Drive, Map 991, R-1500 Zone. CDP #89-0077 3-28-89