Venice Park Block 7
VENICE PARK BLOCK 7.tif VENICE PARK BLOCK 7 Lot 1- Erect a dwelling to the prop-line on Crown pt, Dr. Granted to Lena Kenda11: Res. 67411 4-5-38 Lots 1,2,3,4 & 5 and Por Acre Lot 73- Permit to Collins Dev. Co., Inc. developer and purchaser, and Edith K. Horton, Owner for perm to constr a 116 unit apartment complex obs 10' rear yard and balconies obs 3 1 6 11 rear yard, where 15' is req at 3991-4007 Crown Point Dr, east of Fortuna Ave; Zone R-4. 1/~~;;;vk (/a._ 9,?(}___________________________________ C-10444 N.H._______ 4-19-71-----