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Victory Manor Card 2

VICTORY MANOR CARD 2.tif VICTORY MANOR CARD #2. Lot 3- Permit to Carl R. Morris, yd on Ely prop line & 15' side yd Market St., M-lA, condl own, Beno Hirscbbein, purch to canst bldg obs 0' side on Wly p.l. (1o,; of width of lot 7' req), 5400 blk on See L-71 Lots 6-8- Permit to Mr. D.G. McKinney to canst into the req 19' sideyd at 5525 Market st. betw See L-73 c-4343 8-25-61 an industrial warehouse encroaching 14' 54th & Pitta Sta., M-lA zone., condl C-7557 2-2-66 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Beno Hirschbein to const industrial bldg encroaching 1'3" into req 14' side yd on the Wly side of Lot 1 at 5465 Market St. betw 54tn st. & Pitta St., Zone M-lA, condl c:.7799 NH 7-18-66---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOVE C-4343 AMENDED to include const of 20' x 30' roof shelter for deck & boiler at rear of bldg resulting in approx 51.5i cover where 5~ is perm, condl Southern Calif. Baptist Convention. C-4343 11-10-66--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 7 & 8- John Greene & Doris Greene to erect a display shed & retail tractors on parcel & have applied for zone variance under petition No. 2798, 4-27-45, A-358 5-18-45---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- 5400 Market (198-1745) L-70