Villa La Jolla #1 Card 1
VILLA LA JOLLA #1 CARD 1.tif VILLA LA JOLLA SJWQfpSioM 11 CARD #I "'I, Lots 4 & 5- Permit to La Jolla Inns, Ltd, partner to constr hotel-rest. (1) obs 0 1 rear yd where 45 1 is req; (2) eli,,inate req 101 planting strip along easterly prop li~ & 3 provide p.Lanting strip ranginin in width from 2 1 6 11 to 4 1 alor.g south prop line, where 101 is peq at a Sw cor of Inter. 5 & L. J. Village Dr. R-5 zone condl C-9026 N.H. 12-5-68 -~- ~-~ ~-. ~------------..-- - Lot I- permit to La Jolla fans, Ltel to erect I free-stand sign (2-poled, double-faced, non-flashing, non-moving}, overall height 47'10", face of sign including attraction panel 491 sq. ft per face,, where sign not over 40' in height, not more than 100 sq ft in area per face, & containing no flashing parts is permitted; l roof sign, double-faced, illumin ated, 33' x 5' 11", max size where a-sign may be attached to but not project above parapet or eaves of bldg & size of sign may not exceed 20' x 4 1, at 3299 Holiday Ct., east of Villa La Jolla Drive, & So. of LaJolla Village DR., Zone R-5, condl. C-9308 (N.H.) 5/20/69 /t>-:l-.::1.. o- Permit to National Marine Termina nc., own & u.. bank bldg & park lot, elim req 4 1 ni wall or tignt wood on tne NE cor Holiday Ct & Villa La Jolla Dr, Zone RP. C-10159NH 10-15-70 Loi_2_:_Pen'iit-to-soutnern-count1es-Reaity-comi> ariy-on-AMENDEii-appi-Jo-erect~i)_i_rree:stand interior ill um 11' 7" x 6' ID sign overall ht 12' (2) 1 free-stand, int ill um 4' x 5' ID and directional sign, overall nt 81 (3) one free-stand interior illum 2' x 4' directional sign, neignt 5 1 at NE cor Holiday Ct and Villa La La Jolla Dr, Zone RP. condl. C-10215 1-25-71 ~ermit to Home Federal Sav & Loan Assn to change copy & use exist signs, cond'l, amend C-10215 5-14-76