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Development Services

Villa La Jolla Apartments #1 Card 2

VILLA LA JOLLA APARTMENTS #1 CARD 2.tif VILLA LA JOLI.A APARTMENTS #i Lot l- The Zoning Ad.min. has consid. the AMENDED req. of Irwin Baron, Tr. (Multi-Manage- ment, Inc..) to (1) maintain exist. indent. wall signs consist. of cut-out letters on a brick wall at the northeast corner of Gilman Dr. and Via.Bllcante and at the southeast corner of Gilman Dr. and Villa La Jolla; and (2) to erect and maintain for a periof of one (1) yea:r, three (3) 4 1 x 81 free-standing indent. signs, 10' high where a 20 sq. ft. indent. sign is perm. Af'ter consd. of the following finding of facts, had DENIED as req., but APPROVED one (1) double faced, 41 x 8 1, 61 high, free-standing direct.sign. obs. a 0 1 setback at the corner of Gilman Dr. and Villa La Jolla; and one (1) two-parcel, V-shaped, free-steading directional sign with a maxium size of 3' x 41 eachhface and a max. height of 61, obs. a O' setback at the southeast corner of Villa La Jolla and Via Mallorca_ Villa La Jtlllla Dr, betwn. GilmapJ?,_.,&jld Via Allcante, Zone R-3, (Con'1 1 l),_---1.: 'C-11827-26-73