Villa Marina # 1 Card 1
VILLA MARINA # 1 CARD 1.tif VILLA MARINA #1 Lots 29-31- Permit to Villa Marina (Curtis G. Dunham, E.L. Morneau & John W. McNair) to complete const of sin fam res with gar on each lot &use same for model homes with 1 un- lited 2' x 3' sin faced model ID sign on eacn lot; tract sales off with l unlited 3' x 4' sin faced sales office sign on Lot 31; & one post mounted unlited 4' x 8' unlited direct sign on Lot 29; all to advert homes for sale in Villa Marina, a new subd & all for a period not to exceed 1 yr, where sin fam res on lot of record & max 8 sq ft sign offering premises for sale is perm on Cadden Dr. betw Moraga Dr. & Paducah Dr., R-1 zone, condl C-5029 6-19-62 Lot 17- Permit to Villa Marina to maint exist dwell; eaves obs 2'8" to p.l. (3'9" perm) at 3811 Paducah Dr., R-1 C-5272 10-23-62 Lot 35- Permit to Mr. Robet. J. Hutson to maint exist detached 11' wide x 35.3 long grape arbor wltich obs 3' to 4' rear yd wnere 25' is req. Dwell & other bldgs obs all yd req at 3317 Cadden Dr., R-1 zone. c~5496 2-28-63 Lot 1 (formerly por of Lot 1, Partition of P.L. 1209)- Permit to Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration, Clyde, Missouri, own to const & occupy a Catholic Sisters' home with occupancy of 35 sisters, at the south end of Paducah Dr., N of Balboa Ave. & W of Moraga St., Zone R-1. CUP c-4655 2-21-62 Lot 6- Permit to Robt. & Carole Jones to maintain garage addn; obs 3 1 JO" int side yd where 4' req. at 3955 Paducah Dr., R-1-5 C-14018 11-29-76