Villa Marina # 5 Card 2
VILLA MARINA # 5 CARD 2.tif- VILLA MONSERATE #5 7t5q_-s--~--- Card No. 2 Lot 358- Z.A. considered req of Augusto & Sandra Pabalan to (1) maintain 20 1 x 12 1 patio addn obs 6 1 811 setback at closest pt on Amaro Dr where 10 1 setback req; (2) constr 72' of 6 1 hi solid wood fence obs 0' st side yd on Amaro Dr where 10 1 req & where 15 1 req in 20' rear yd when prop adjoins front yd of adjoin parcel;- 10395 Orozco Rd betw Amaro Dr & Avenida Circo, Map 7159, Zone R-1-5; & made following decision: (1) APPROVED; (2) DEN I ED the fence as submitted, but APPROVED 5 1 hi fence obs 6 1811 setback from rear corner of patio back to rear line; Condl. C-11718 1-5-73 Lot 310- Permit DENIED to Jimmie and Bonnie Blodgett to erect approx. 42' of 6 1 hrgh solid wood fence to obs. 2 1 611 front yard where max. l' high fence is perm. in req. 15' front yard; At 5778 Amaro Dr. btw. Aveoida Circo and Guncho Rd., Zone R-1-5.) C-11822 {n),//,_ 3:..lo-73 Lot 347- The Asst Z.A. has considered the req of Robert & Diane Malley to erect approx 84 of solid wood fence 6 1 hign obs O' st sideyd on Avenida Circo wnere a max. 3' hign fence is p,! a 10' street side yard and a 15' st side yard within 20' of rear prop line, at 10307 Orozco Road, SE Cor Orozco Rd and Avenida Circo, Zone R-15, and has DENIED as req, but APPROVED a 6 1 high fence obs O' street side yard, extending approx 70' nortnwesterly from the rear prop line. Cond'l. C-11645 N.H. 11-3-72-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------