Villa Marina # 5 Map 7159
VILLA MARINA # 5 MAP 7159.tif VILLA MONSERATE NO. 5. MAP #7159 Lot 358- Permit APPROVED BY AZA to PATRICK & PATRICIA DRAKE TO construct a 20' x 13' room addition observing at the closest point 6'6" on Amaro Drive where 10' is reqd at 10395 Orozco Rd., Zone R-1-5. with conds. C-17150 3/13/81 Lot 413- Agreement with Leonard H. & Erla D. Davis to constr. a room addn with full bath but no outside access at 5754 Avenida Sanchez. zone Rl-5000. Agree. #3615 12/22/86 Lot 478- ZA APPROVED request of WILLIAM R. & LINDA S. CARNETT to (1) maintain 30' of patio cover to encroach a max. of 6' into the street side yard; & (2) to reconstruct a 6' solid fence to observe a street side yard of 3' 6" at the closest point with conds., on the NW cor- ner of Perez Ct. & Robusto Rd., Rl-5000 zone. C-19652 9/15/87------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------