Villa Trinidad # 2 Card 1
VILLA TRINIDAD # 2 CARD 1.tif VILLA TRINIDAD f2 1s12--s Lot 130- Permit to Bertna Schroeder to add a family room and bath with bar sink area in family room at 4077 Risa Ct. Zone R-1-5, AGREE #1936 3-7-74 Lot 119- The z.A. considered the request of John & Mary German to erect approx 60 1 of 6 1 high wood and block fence obs O' street side yard where max 3' fence is perm in 15' and 10 1 requtred street side yard when premises adjoin the front or interior side yard of an adjoining premises, at 10983 Pallon Wey, Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED as requested but APPROVED erection of a 5' high fence obs 0 1 street side yard. C-13175 N.H. 6-12-75 Lot 37- Permit to constr 2nd-story addn w/bar sink in fam rm on 2nd floor at 10935 Siglo Court, Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2159 5-13-76 Lot 55- Permit to William & Marilyn Kolender to erect 127' of 6 1 high slump stone wall obs O' st side yd where a max height of 3' is perm in the 10' req st side yd. at 4035 Tambor Bd., Zone R-1-5. C-13,767 NH 7-7-76----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 142- Permit LEROY LANG to erect 50' of 5' high solid freestand wall to obs O' st. side yd on Pallon Wy where a max 3' high wall is perm in the 10' & 15' st. side yd when rear prop line adjoins the neighbor's front yd, at 4205 Tambor Ct., Zone R-T-5. CONDITIONS C-13,986 NH 11-10-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------