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Development Services

Villa Trinidad # 5 Card 1

VILLA TRINIDAD # 5 CARD 1.tif iLLA TRINIDAD #5 ~,,,-s Lot 548- Permit to Kaiser-Aetna Corporation (Ponderosa Homes) to constr sin fam dwell on lot; dwell to obs 7' rear yard where 20' is req, corner of Pabellon Circle and Vivaracho Way Zone R-1-5. Cond 'L C-12924 N.H, 11-26-74 ' Lot 550- Permit to Ronald & Martha Nall to erect approx 65' of 6 1 hi solid wood fence obs O' st sideyd on Pabellon Ct where max 3' hi fence is perm, in req 10' st sideyd when prop abuts frontyd of adj Jot, 11152 Vivaracho Way, Zone R-1-5 C-13401 N.H. 11-1 J-75 Lot 500- Permit to Kenneth & Rosemary Denski to erect approx 50' to 5 1 hi wood & cone block fence obs O' st sideyd on Vivaracho Wy where max 3' hi fen is perm in req 15' and JO' st sideyd when prop abuts adj lot's front yd at 11225 Via Carroza, Zone R-1-5 C-13692 6-1-76 Lot 769- Permit to Kaiser Aetna (Pqnderosa Homes) 4 1 x 6 1 x 6 1 high subdiv on-site direc sigrr t9 oos a O' setback fGJCJm Clairemont Mesa Blvd. but to obs 50' setback from Promesa Ct,-~~ I ~~~'--Ac:__,_ /_?f (5'-1'.~-;'.:(________________ C-13, 668____________________ 6-30-76_________ Lots 740,742,743 thru 745- Permit to Cemland Develop to (I) constr model homes on 5 lots with identifying ID signs thereon; (2) use gar of model home on Lot 742 as sales off (3) erect 4 pennants eac, 21' hi, with 3' x 5' flags. on Lots 742 & 744; (4) erect 144 sq. ft. 12' high, sin-fac, non-ilium, subd sign on Lot 744, (5) sign to obs O' rear yd where 20 1 is req. where such use is to term no later than 2 yrs after accordation the the subd map, signs are to obs all req yds & pennants & banners are not perm; at Prornesa Circle, Zone R-J-5. COND'L C-13,745 NH 7-7-76---------------------------------------------------------------------------..-.------