Villa Trinidad # 5 Card 6
VILLA TRINIDAD # 5 CARD 6.tif VILLA TRINIDAD #5 1tt1-s..__..... ~...... CARD #6 Lot 514- AGREEMENT to ROBERT K. and-PATRICIA A. FOGG, JR. to construct second story! addition with laundry room to existing single-family dwelling, at 11272 Carroza Court, Zone AGREEMENT #2809 6-30-82 Lot 517- AGREEMENT to DAVID AND MARIE PERRY to install a bar sink in art room addition at 11285 Carroga Court, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2898 1-24-83 Lot 427- Permit was considered by ZA to KENNETH AND PATRICIA SOVAY to replace approximately 108'-0" of 3'-0" high wood fence with approximately 121'-0" of 6 1-011 high solid wood fence observing 0'-0" street side yard on Rueda Drive, located at 4529 Via Palabra, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED the proposal as requested, but APPROVED approximately 108'-0" of 6 1-011 high solid wood fence observing 0 1-011 front street side yard along Rueda Drive where maximum 3'-0'' high fence is permitted in the required 10'-0'' street side yard. C-18277 NH 12-2-83 Lot 466- AGREEMENT with JOHN & MARGO MINANN to constr a recreation room extension to first floor and enclose an existing deck on second floor; for use as an atrium which will contain a sink & have outside in the R-1-5 zone. entrance; to an existing single-family residence at 11126 Via Temprano, AGREEMENT #3154 9/7/84.,--"