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Development Services

Vista Del Cerro # 3

VISTA DEL CERRO # 3.tif VISTA DEL CERRO #3 Lot 160- Permit DENIED to Daniel R. & Dorothy J. Leonard to move approx 73 1 of exist 5' hi w?od fenc: to property line_on Hemingway Ave., where a max 3 1 hi fence is perm in 12.5 established SB at 6919 Cibola Rd, SW cor at the intersection with Hemingway Ave., Zone R-1-5. c-10089 NH 8-28-70 ABOVE- C-10089 Appealed to Board of Zoning Appeals- DENIED 11-13-70------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 199- Agreement with Terri & Kenneth Hamlin to construct a second story addition to an existing single-family <'dwelling; addition consists of three bedrooms, two bathrooms with no exterior access to the second story and interior access through a stairwell lead- ing to a hallway which leads to a family room at 7805 Hemingway Avenue. Zone: Rl-5000 Agree# A-4074 08-24-88 Lot 185- Permit APPROVED by BZA on appeal from ZA decision for TOME. AND C.A.BOLING to engage in home occupation deviating from following operational regs.- client contact at residence where such contact is required to tak place off the premises, with exception of telephone or mail communication; one nonresident employee to be at residence where only a resident of premises is permitted ti participate in home occupation, located at 7947 Hemingway Ave., Rl-5000 zone; Condi tons C-20791 8-7-91--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------