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Development Services

Vista Del Miguel # 2, Map 6473

VISTA DEL MIGUEL # 2, MAP 6473.tif 1111" VI STA DE MI GUEL #2 1 Ma~ #6473 ~!!""-,, Lot 46- Permit to Howar E. & Shirley A. Cooper to erect approx. 150 1 of concrete block retain. wal, portion of which will range in ht. from 2' to 5' in req. fr. yd. where max. 3' h I gh wa l l is perm. at 8433 Noel i ne Lene bet. Noel i ne Way and Brookhaven Rd. Zone R- f-5 C-10579 N.H. 6-17-71 Cot 79-_- P-erm-rf-to ifol a-n-cf & Beffi_A_r_rrisTrong t-o-con-s n---ram r'1n "E- 15'at'h crctdn-i:cr ex J-st"'"Sg-1 er f-am- dw, addn to obs 18 1 RY where 20 1 is req; Map 6473, at 165 Noeline Ct betw Noeline_Ave_&_end_of_cul-de-sac,_Zone_R-1-5.~-~~-----C-11064_N.H.___________ 2-22-72____ Lot 72- Permit to Charles M. and Sonja M. Cox to canst 17 1911 x 20 ft. fam room addn to exist sin faro dwell, and obs al closest point a 4 ft. rear yd where 20 ft. is req; at 8325 Noeline Ave betwn Noeline Ct. and Brookhaven Rd., Zone R-1-5 Cond'l c-11,872 4-18-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------