Vista Mesa # 1 Card 2
VISTA MESA # 1 CARD 2.tif VISTA MESA UNIT #l 3;i39-s Lots 99 and 100- Permit to Robert C. Nightingale and u:> is K. Ma.cLEOD req. perm to erect approx 15' of 51411 solid block wall obs an 81 setback where a 3' high fence is perm in estab. 101 setback, at 7325 Beagle St., betwn Apollo St, and Ames St., Zone R-1-5. C-12,141 N.H. 7-17-73 lot 4- Permit to G. W. & Jane Porter to maintain 70' of 7' hi fence & gate obs O' int side yd where max 6 1 hi fence is perm in required 4 1 int side yd; also 6 1-811 of 7 1-611 wall & gate, at 3533 Armstrong St. betw Burbank & Beagle Sts. Zone R-J-5, C-12982 N.H. 1-21-75--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------