Vista Mesa # 7 Card 2 Lot 449
VISTA MESA # 7 CARD 2 LOT 449.tif,..,, '..-.. ' ';,,;, ' ~.. VISTA ME'.SA UN1t#2 3155'-S Ca rd #2. w,_"'19..... Lot 449- Permit Russell & Emma Dickens to construct a 20 1 x 21 1 family room addition to existing single family dwelling, addition to observe all required yards but to result in 43.2% coverage where 40"/o is permitted, at 7184 Astoria St. bet. Atoll & Belford Sts., R-1-5 zone. C-10520 NH 5-14-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 505- Permit to Morton C. & Sybil Jorgensen to convert exs screened patio to family room. Exs patio encroaches 2' into req 20' rear yd at 3770 Belford Street. Zone R-1-5. Conditions. c-7528.NH. 12-14-65.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 551 and 552 (Par) and Por Pueblo Lot 1219- Permit to California Association of Seventh Day Adventists to use property for church and related activities. 4125 Hathaway Street. R-1-5 Zone. Conditions. 2-1-78. C-14799. n. """'.,.i 0 J, 3 /.. ~.,,,-;-,_, UJ 1 ..__,__/y-\4__)___..-,.-- V (__)---------------------------------------------------------~---__ l,z.~-----------------------