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Vista Mesa Annex # 3 Card 1

VISTA MESA ANNEX # 3 CARD 1.tif VISTA MESA ANNEX UNIT NO. 3 1t Card ~ Lots 281 & 282, Permit to Lane Plumbing Co to lot lines per Survey on file in Off. 7492 Salerno St & 4061 Argyle St, R-1 zone. CASE 2654 7-17-59 Lot 253, Permit to Arthur & Jane Miller to mnst patio addn toe xist sing fam res; addn to result in 46% coverageof lot (401h perm)4022 St, R-1 corrll. CASE #4.550 11-17-61---------------------------------------- Lot 204- Permit DENIED Gerard & Elizabeth Van Leeuwen to const 15' x 23' living room addn to exist sing fam res; a:idn to obs 10 1 rear ya.rd where 20 1 rear yard is req, at 3914 Arm- strong betw Batista & Ashford Sts., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 6587 10-6-64 Lot 204- ABOVE AMENDED to permit construction of 13' x 15 1 living rm addn to enst sing ram res; addn to obs 18 1 rear yard instead of 101 originally requested.