Vista Mesa Annex # 3 Card 2
VISTA MESA ANNEX # 3 CARD 2.tif VISTA 1-IBSA ANNEX UNIT NO. 3 Lot 241- Permit to Mrs. Viola Allen to const fa.rn room addn to rear obs 17 1811 rear yd where 20 1 rear yd is req, at 49J:i.2 Antiem St. betw Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. Case llo. 8041 N.H.!f Card 2.:. of ~xist dwell; addn to Armstrong St. & batista St 2-21,,,-67--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~- Lot 294- Asst. Z. A. has considered the req of Salvatore & Theresa Costa to constr a 24' x 18' family room for exist sing fam dwell; addn to obs 13' rear yard where 20' is required, at 7417 Salerno Street between Armstrong and Ashford Sts. Zone R-1-5; and after consideration of the following finding of facts, has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 16' rear yard. Case 11458 9-12-72 Lot 293- DENIED req of FRANK & JONQUIL WILSON to constr a 16' x 30' bedrm & 1 iv rm addn to exist sgle fam dw, addn to obs at clsestpt a 12'6" R~, where 20 1 is req; Map #llB 3948, at 7425 Salerno St betw Armstrong & Argyle Sts, Zone R-1-5; but APPROVED q,~..g:a'.!f~~o~z~b~-~~~~~-~~:-------------------~~=~~~==-------------------~~==~=:~------- Lot 274- Permit to Richard D. & Charlene Gep:f'ord to constr l.5' x 20'-6" rec room addn to sin fam dwell; addn to obs 16 1 rear yard SB where 20' is req at 7434 Salerno St. betw Armstrong St. and Argyle St., Zone R-1-5- c-12813 N.H., 9-10-74 Lot 275- Permit to Thomas & Juanita Hicok to constr 15' x 23' rec room addn to sin fam dwell, addn to obs a 16 1 rear yd SB where 20' is req, at 7442 Salerno St. betw Armstrong & Argyle Sts. Zone R-1-5. C-12814 N,H 9-11-74--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------