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Vista Mesa Annex # 5 Card 1

VISTA MESA ANNEX # 5 CARD 1.tif VISTA MESA ANNEX #5 4 {1ti\- s_ ~ f 451- Permit DENIED Dean F. & Kathern J. Flickinger to const closed patio addn to.2._5 sfd with direct access thereto; addn to obs 13' rea~ard where 20' is req but APPROVED patio subj to cond at 3982 Marl esta. C-5096. 8-3-62. Lot 448- Permit DENIED to Edward C. & Ila B. White to canst 14' x 21' fam rm addn to exs sfd; addn to obs 14 1 611 rear yard where 20 1 req but APPROVED a 16' rear 1c1. at 3985 Marlesta Drive. R-1-5 Zone. C-10859. ll;-5-71. Lot 445- APPROVED req of WM J & MARIA V. GRIEBLING to constr 512 sq. ft. fam rm addn to exs sfd in 42% (as amended) covge, where 40% perm; 3934 Marlesta betw Batista & Ashford Streets; Zone R-1-5. C-11066 NH. 2-11-72. Lor 443- Permit to Earl Carel ton to const a two-story addn to an exs sfd; rear yard, and (2) res in approx 53% lot coverage on 3918 Marlesta Drive. Cond It ions. C-14328. 6-23-77. (I) obs JO' R-1-5 Zone.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 418- Permit to Florentino and Alice Estrada to canst a 400 sq. ft. fam rm addn with a fireplace to an exs sfd; addn to obs a 16' rear yard and the fireplace to obs a11 a'l4' rear yard. 3980 Hatton Street. Zone R-1-5. C-15265. 7-24-78. (i 0,,c/://o1i,.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 417- Permit to George & Chelsey Rose to constr 14' x 20' fam rm addn to exst sgle-fam dwell, to obs 12 1 rear yd, at 3972 Hatton St., Zone R-1-5, C-15769 3/14/79-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------