Vista Mesa Annex # 7 Card 2
VISTA MESA ANNEX # 7 CARD 2.tif VISTA MESA ANNEX #7 Ca.rd j2. Lot 584- Permit to Roland E. & Jewel V. Smith to construct a 16' x 20' family room addn to exist sin fam residence; addn to obs an 18' rear yd where 20' is required at 4032 Cosmo St., betw Anastasia St. & Ardmore Dr., Zone R-1-5. C-9312 N.H. 5-23-69 Lot 514- Permit to Benjamin & Marilyn Hibbs to constr 15' x 23' rec rm addn to exist sin- fam dwelling addn to obs 16' rear yd where 20' is req, at 3961 Ardmore Dr, Zone R-1-S. CONDITIONS C-13,851 NH 8-20-76 Lot-sso-:-Permit-to-ignaoio-o;-La-Ros;-ai-403i-A~astasia-si::-z~~~-R=1=s:--t~-~~~;t;-------- recreation rm addn to exist SFD, addn to obs at clst pt a 3' Interior side yard on the NE side. Condit. C-16235 8/2/79 Por. of Lots 551 & 552- Permit to Ca. Assoc. of Seventh Day Adventists to use property for church & related activities. 4125 Hathaway St. zone R-1-5. Cond. ext. 5/22/81 Lot 512- AGREEMENT recreation room and 3949 Ardmore Drive, C14799 2/1/78 to PAUL AND PAMELA COFFMAN to construct a second story addition with abath above garage on lot with existing single-family residence,at Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2794 6-14-82