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Vista Mesa Annex # 8 Card 1

VISTA MESA ANNEX # 8 CARD 1.tif VISTA MESA ANNEX #8 ~~q__ CARD #1 Lot 605- Permit to Warren J. & Pauline E, Hammons to const patio addn to sin ram res which obs from 4.76 to 1.83 1 side yd with 15" eave projections obs 3 16" to 7" where 5' side yd is req & min 3 '9" eaves tp p.1. is perm; addn to obs all yd req at 4176 Amoraso St., betw Hatton St. & Eckstrom Ave., Zone R-1. c-5180 8-29-62-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 656- Permit to George & Joo Soon Jones to const an 18 1 x 13' study rm addn to exist sin fam res on lot, addn to obs 16 1 rear yd where 20' is req at 4150 Ashford St. betw Eckstrom Ave. & Hattan St., Zone R-1-5. C-9926 6-26-70 Lot 613- Permit to Richard & Caroline Lane to conv exist patio to fmrm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to result in 43.8% cov where 40% perm, 4191 Amoroso St., Zone R-1-5 C-13431 N.H. 12-3-75------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 646- AGREEMENT to DEBBIE MASSIE to construct a second story addition with bar sink; access through garage and existing family room, located at 4171 Mustang Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2960 8-2-83