Vista View Unit # 1
VISTA VIEW UNIT # 1.tif VISTA VIEW UNIT lh 9 Lots 2 & 3 AGREEMENT #1337 to Vista del Pacifico Inc. to constr 48-unit, 2-story apt & rental off bldg on Lot 2, w/req 60 p~rking spaces on Lot 3, 7821 Linda Vista Rd, RP-lA 7/29/64-i7;t"'.'.i-:r~-;.~;rt"t~;i"n"t;-;.T,op~:-in~~:-o~ner:&-i> ~~71=7~rei'e'pTioneco~:-Tessee10cc;ns~-P1anT service center providing parking at rear of lot served by a driveway on adjoining lot to the north, where parking is req. to have access from the same lot; and to eliminate req. 5' high, solid fence or wall to separate open parking from adjacent R-2 zoned property to the nortb at 7833 Linda Vista Rd. bet. Frost St. & Aero Dr; Zone CO. Condi. Case# 10419 5-14-71----------- ------------------------------------------------------------