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Voller's Addn (Nester)

VOLLER'S ADDN (NESTER).tif T VOLLER 1 S ADDITION (Nester) N 75'. of S 400 1 of W 1 l6?1 of Lot 8, ~ermit to Gale G & Louise Watts to construct single family dwell. obs 5 side yd on N line & 17 1 side yd on S line (201 req) exist structure obs 5' side yd & 1 1 rear yd (25 1yeq.) exist dwell. to be converted to garage workshop & guest house without kitchen, 1656- 19 Street, Nestor, Zcne Al-1, cond'l. ' Case 2496 & 2497 5-8-59---------------- N 75 of S 244' of W 110 1 of Lot 8, P;rmi t- t~ G.- K. & Phylli~ p~;;ey to- c-;nstruct-B'edrm- &- bath add. tosrist sin fam res., exist gar obs 38 sideyd (~o req) & 72 1 rear yd (25 1 req) add. to obs 18 1 rear yd, 1677- 19th St. Nestor, Zone Al-1. Case 2687 7-24-59 Por Lot 8 Permit to Robt w. & Helen M. Bonner t.o const living rm o. bedrm add. ') 1 sing fam. dwelling which obs 9 1 ideyd \20 1 req add to obs 7 1 on N side, 152 ' S side & 18 1 rear yd (25 1 req) at 1611- 19th St.Nestor, Zone al-1, on cond. & chimney not extend more than 2 into perm sideyds &. rear yd. Case 3237 to exist. side yd on that eaves 4-1-60