W. P Herbert's Subd. Block 43
W. P HERBERT'S SUBD. BLOCK 43.tif W9 e. ll?!flEliT'S SlJBDIVISIOII BLOCK 43 w 80 1 or Lots 2, 3, J+, exc?I. 15' or Lot 2- Susanne Dailey DENIED PERM.IT TO OPERATE boa,rciing h01118 for aged ambulato17 persona, maximum of 7 guests, at 4.385- 36th St. Res .3.365 8/25/48_____------ (~_ Attorney Decision #.38, '!_~ance ~ required) Lots 29 & 30- Pel"lllit to John & A & B Elaine Jobnsm to erect ancapa.rtJllent above a garage & 2 sto17 duplex, making 4 liv units, 3 served b7 6 1 access ct, at 43.30 Cherokee St. Res. No. 8532 lJJ/13/54 Lot 7 & 8- Leonard E. & Ida Miller to coast. a duplex on rear of t.he property, amk1ng a tot.al ot' 3 units Oil said parcel. AFREEMENT 3883 7/17/1956