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Walker's Addn Block 2

WALKER'S ADDN BLOCK 2.tif WALKER'S ADDITION BLOCK 2 Nly Lot 43 & all 44- two units, Artnur G. & Dorotny M, Hinkley. S-17 Lot 42 & Sly of 43- two units, for parcel, Arthur G, & Dorothy M. 10-8-51 Hinkley. 10-8-51 Lot 13 & Sl5' of Lot 12 res later. Lots 10,11, NlO' Lot 12 S-16- Mary M, Barna, to const sin fam apt over gar & constr sin fam S-177 10-17-53- B.R. & Dorotny Ann Lee to maint exist duplex. S-176 10-19-53 Lots 1-4- Permit to Paul K. Shea, sole neir estate of Ada Zimmerman to maint exist 5' hi chain link fence obs 3' SB on Quail St. wnere max 3' hi fence in aver SB of the blk of 18' is perm & to erect 10' ni cnain link fence & blk wall, back filling to a deptn of approx 4', wall to obs O' st side yd on F St. where max 3' hi fence is perm in req 10' st side yd at 747 Quail St. SE cor Quail St. & F St., Zone R-2 condl. C-7209 6-8-65