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Development Services

Warner Villa Tract Block 1 Card 2

WARNER VILLA TRACT BLOCK 1 CARD 2.tif,, WARNER VILLA TRACT BLOCK l I CARD #2 Ely 651 of Lot 4- Permit to E. Kenneth & Jane A. Lyon to enlarge bedroom, extend kitchen, add 2 bay windows, convert exist breezeway to second bath, & remodel interior of exist sing fam res located on par split & recorded after date of crig zoni;.g bu:.;.;rior to 1/5/54 (See Res. 1498) which obs 5 1 side yard; por of adcln to bedroom on ~H;,0 side to obs 5 1 side yard, exist detached gar obs 10' rear yard (See Ees. 1498) where sing fam res on ea lot of record at time of orig zoning is perm & 6 1 side yard & 20' rear yd are req_, at 3727 Charles St., bctw C:rt.:ilina Blvd. & 5ilvergate;he,, Zone R-lC, condl. Cases No. 6368 & C-6370 J-26-64-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lots J &: 4- Pennit to Richard and Susan H. & breakfast room addn, obs all yd requirements, where 61 side yard is req, at 3735 Charles St., R-1-10 Zone, condl. Coburn to const approx 140 sq. rt. kitchen to exist sing i"8Jll res obs 5' side yards, betw Catalina Blvd, & Silvergate Ave., Case No. 6465 5-1-64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 16 & 17- AGREEMENT # 1096 to Philip '>. & Thelma M. Ojena to const sin ram res and gar and maintain exis gar and lath house; exis res to be removed after com of new res c~se No 3450 & 3451 July 14, 1960 \ Lot 3 (exc ',.J 75 1) and!.ot 4 (exc E 65 )- \GRE:YKT f/50 to const addition to exist res 1/4/52---------------------------------------------- Lot J 5- Lillian L Gabbs to cons,, a res have applied for '.l ''.lrim1ce ~,o-:-he zoning Feeruary 27, J 94 7 AGRI!.: EE!JT #452 and gc1est res on the above described property and ordinc'lnce by applica+,io:1 1fo. /4488, dated '3/2/47 l 1"