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Development Services

Warner Villa Tract Block 5

WARNER VILLA TRACT BLOCK 5.tif WARNER VILLA TRACT BLOCK 5 I'/ Lot i 5- Permit, condl, to John w. Cox, operator & Lester J. Wilson, own to operate a photo dark room, commercially in an exist llobby shop at 3711 Pio Pico St. Res. 1591 6-20-46__,1Lot 9- Permit to Ricllard Harwood to const 4' fence in SB area, at 544 Silvergate Ave.. Res. 8025 2-3-54 Lot 8- Permit to Morgan L. Miller to const solarium,bedrm, bath & covered patio addn to exist res, the addn to obs 166" rear yd at 3625 Pio Pico, Zone R-lC. c-189 11-30-54 / Lot 9- Permit to Harold H. Connelley to const detached patio with 6' rear yd (20' req) & to erect 4' fence along fr prop line (3' permitted) at 544 Silvergate Ave., R-lC. C-1480 10-25-57 l---------------------------------------------2------------------------------------------ Lot 5- Permit, condl, to John F. &.Mary Shoemaker to const 2 bedrm & bath add on grnd lev & 1 bedrm & bath add on 2nd story to exist sin fam res. Add to obs all yd req, exist worksllop att to res obs 15' rear yd where 20' is req at 3711 Pio Pico St., betw Catalina Blvd. & Silvergate Ave., Zone R-lC. C-5582 3-14-63 Lot 8- Permit to Morgan L. & Jean K. Miller to const fam rm add to exist sin ram res which obs 166" rear yd where 20' rear yd is req at 3625 Pio Pico St., betw Silveggate Ave. & Catalina Blvd., Zone R-lC. c-5613 4-8-63