Warner Villa Tract Block 5 Card 2
WARNER VILLA TRACT BLOCK 5 CARD 2.tif WARNER VILLA TRACT BLOCK 5 Lot 3 (Por}- Permit to Thomas L. & Bodi I Hill to const an approx 66 sq. ft. ground floor addn and an approx 903 sq. ft. second floor addn to an exs sfd; exs sfd obs and new addns to obs 3'611 interior sd yd on the east side at 3741 Pio Pico Street. R-1-10 Zone. Condition. C-14393 NH. 5-24-77. Lot 4- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JOHN A. ALBE, D.D.S. and DEBORAH SUE ALBE the amended request to construct a 21 1 X 12 1-1011 single-car garage on lot with existing single- family dwelling; garage to observe a 5 1 rear yard where 6 1 is required and a 0 1-911 interior side yard where 6 1 is required, and eave to observe a 0 1-611 interior side yard where 3 1 is required, at 3725 Pio Pico Street, Zone R-1-10. Conditions. C-17505 1-8-82 Lots 1 & 2, Fence Variance approved by SCA, RYAN &~MARGARET ROULETTE & ROBIN EMSLEY request to construct a light standard at 3700 Block of Pio Pico, Rl-10,000 Zone C-21238 1-13-95 Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, Fence variance denied Items 1 & 2, approved items 3, 4 & 5 by SCA, RYAN & MARGARET ROULETTE & ROBIN EMSLEY sought to construct fences at 3700 block of Pio Pico at Catalina Boulevard, Rl-10,000 Zone, Coastal Zone, Coastal Height Limitation Zone. C-21238?-------------------------------------------------------------------