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Development Services

Waterville Heights Resub #1 Card 1

WATERVILLE HEIGHTS RESUB #1 CARD 1.tif WATERVILLE HEIGHTS RESUB #1 Lot 2- Permit to Max Nieman to add approx 1,000 itarium, 5602 University Ave., condl 6 mos ext to 8-8-59 6 mos ext tm(ll-19-58) QS Card #1 sq ft, with 7 beds, to exist 55 bed san- c-1981 8-8-58 Lot add R-1. 2- Permit to Del Capri Terrace, Inc. (Max & Esther Nieman & Robt & Ethel Croft) to approx 1000 sq ft with 8 beds, to exist 55 bed sanitarium at 5602 University Ave. zone, subj to approval by State Fire Marshal & requirements State Helath Dwpt. CUP C-3199 3-18-60 Lot 2- Permit to Del Capri Terrace, Inc. own (Max Nieman) to constr & oper 33 bed add to exist 55 bed canvalescent & nursing home, N side University Ave. betw Hacienda & 54th St., R-1 & C Zone, condl CUP C-4227 8-2-61 Lot 2, Parcel B- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Max Nieman & Mr. & Mrs. Adolph Nieman to adjust lot lines betw Parcel A & Parcel B per plat map on file in the Zoning Div of the Planning Dept. on (Parcel A) Ely 100' of Lot 29, Lemon Villa, vacant, lying Nly of University Ave. & (Parcel B) Lot 2, Waterville Heights Resub #1 at 5602 University Ave., betw 54th & 58th St., Zones C & R-1, where r9tail commercial uses are permitted in C Zone & sin fam dwell on lot or par of land of record at time of Zoning is perm in R-1 zone. c-6218 1-9-64