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Development Services

W.B Gross Block 2

W.B GROSS BLOCK 2.tif W. B. GROSS BLOCK 2 Lot 107- Permit to Mrs. Jessie Beck, 3170 B St, to operate a Boarding & Lodging House for 8 guests (Subject to the 6 standard conditions) #76001 1/20/42 Lot 108- Permit to Kiss Rub_y E. Eoulter, 3172 B St. to operate a rest home for not more t.han 7 persons at above address, on the following conditions: (1) This permit shall be granted to the present occupant only. (2) No mental, alcoholic or contagious diseases shall be permitted. (3) Only ambulatory cases snail be allowed to reside on tr:e premises. Granted to R.uby E. houlter & Central Li,:.uidating Co. by Res. #76452 3/17/42 Por. Lots 115 & 116 and all of Lots 112, 113, & 114- Permit DEKlc:;IJ to The Alano Club of San Diego, Inc., purchaser, and l.'illie Powell, owner, to operate a social and recreation facility for tile Alano Club of 3an Diego, Inc., located on the S side of "A" St., E 1 ly of Edgemont St.,;.;one ii:-2. C.G.P. Case iillO-Pe Above C.U.P. Case No, 110-PC was appealed to the City Council and appeal DEiHED, and decision of the Planning Corr.mission was upheld. C.U.P. Case #110-PC 8/4/66 '------- Lots 115 & 116- Permit to Gerald & Bernita Fox to (1) erect approx 420' of 6 1 hi solid wood and chain link fence obs O' front yard on "A" St. and O' street side yard on 32nd St. where a max 3' b.1 fence is perm in a 15' front yard and 10' street side yard (2) erect 2' rebars on top of exist cement wall resulting in a total ht of 6 1 obs O' front yard on "A" St, where a max 3' hi fence is penn in a 15' front yard (3) constr attach deck addn to exist sin fem dwell; dwell obs O' front yd on "A" St. and deck will obs O' front yd where 15 1 is req (deck extends into public right-of-~) at 31TI-79 "A" St. betw Edgemont and 32nd St. Zone R-2, Cond'l~ (also Lots 112,113,114) c-12836 10-9-74-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------