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Websters Villa Tract

WEBSTERS VILLA TRACT.tif,--- 'dEBBTERS HLLA TRACT Parcel 11B11, Lot 5, DPtr62- Permit to Wayne I. & Ethel Newton to const a sing fam res en- croaching 20 1 into the req average of the block 0B of 35' at 3742 Ticonderoga St. between Baker and trenton sts. Zone R-1-5.... Case No. 7736 6-17-66 '.fT G27i,J l..3l:-~-t2-~-l~l=Qi_Ll~=~Z:~Zl_.J.k.JJ-t~_(L~~~!u,.__________________________________________ Parcel B of D.P. 297- div. of Lot 5 & por of Lot 35 of De Anza Crestview Estates- Asst. Z.A. considered tne amended application of Wayne I. & Ethel Newton to erect (1) approx. 40' of 7' hi retain wall obs 1 '6" to 14' front yd where max 3' hi wall or fence is perm; (2) 2 area lighters, overallnt 10' to obs 16 1 & 12' rear yds respectively, where such structures may not exceed max ht of 6 1 in req 20' rear yd; (3) to provide 2 guests parking spaces obs O' front yd where parking is not perm in req front yd and nas made the following decisions: (1) APPROVED(2' retain wall & 5' fence on top tnereof, overall ht 7'); (2) APPROVED; (3) DENIED as req but APPROVED l parking space obs O' front yd, per plans on file, condl, at 3742 Ticonderoga St. between Baker & Trenton, Zone R-1-5 c-9633 1-2-70 Par. 2, P.M. 2867 (por. Lot 4) AGREEMENT to Robert P. Sterns to constr a 2-story addn to sin fam dwell w/bar sink in rec rm at 3716 Ticonderoga St., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2238 1/24/77 Lot 3 Map 1086, Par. B. DP 278- AGREEMENT to Kenneth H. & Susan M. Holka to construct a second floor den addition with bar sink to existing single-family dwelling, at 3620 Ticonderoga Street, Zone R-l-5. AGREEMENT #2516 12-14-79