Week's Addn Block 1 Card 1
WEEK'S ADDN BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif BLOCK 1 l eard lh ' Por Lots 4-10 lying SW of Morena Blvd.- Permit to Angelo Sampo, own & David c. Kalbfell,, purch to operate a shop in an exist bldg & to constr addnl bldgs for mfg, repair & warehousing of electronics equipment & the suppiies & materials related thereto, 1060 Morena Blvd. Res. 1753 9-12-46 Lots 4-9- Permit to Kalbfell Lab. Inc. to const 60 1 x 80' bldg for mfg of electronic equip & 52':x: '18' temporary shed to be removed within 6 months, Nly from 1076 Morena Blvd., condl Res. 5345 2-21-51 Lot 10- Permit to o.L. Carpenter, clinic, 1102 Morena Blvd., condl own & Dr. G.H. Wilson, lessee to oper small animal Res. 7183 2-18-53 5 yr ext 6-18-58 Lot 10- 6 mo ext granted to O.L. Carpenter & Dr. G.H. Wilson ABO:IE for constr, 1102 Morena Blvd. Res. 7688 8-19-53 Lot 10- 5 yr ext to Res. 7688 to exp 6-30-63 to operate small animal clinic on lot at 1102 Morena Blvd., Zone C, max 10 dogs hospitalized overnight; 8 runs for daytime use. c-1888 6-18-58 5 yr ext to exp 6-30-68 (5-31-63) ext to exp 6-30-75 (6-10-74).'1A-4_-~~J;J1~~jJ~~1f;JJJ____ ~-~~itl~_::]_______________________ l11