Wehrman's Subd. Block 372
WEHRMAN'S SUBD. BLOCK 372.tif WEHRMAN 1S SUBD. BLOCK 37~ (~ ' Lots 7-12- Permit to Walter Anderson, to conduct an auto trailer camp of 48 units, provided tile proposed camp is properly landsaaped according to plans submitted to tile City Planning Comm., 3860 Rosecrans St. Res. 73476 2-25-41,,.,... Lot 2- Permit to Glenn H. & Evelyn Kenaston to move in bldg to be used as pet hosp. & make alter & add per plans; bldg is presently operated as pet l:J.osp, 3186 Rosecrans Zone M-1, condl to exp 6-30-65 C-3228 4-1-60 Appealed by Juanita Steiber & DENIED, Z.A. decision sustained. 5-18-60 E~l0 ~ ~2~_ k;30- 3 ~ (7: I 1-f O)________________________________________ Lot 2- ABOVE C-3228- Tnomas E. Belknap, DVM permitted to delete the former cond to said case which stated, "This variance be granted to Glenn H. & Evelyn Kenaston only, and if tnere is a cnange of ownership a new variance will be required" & to continue the operation of the exist Rosecrans Pet Hospital at 3786 Rosecrans St., Zone M-1, condl AMENDED .,q'.f~ ~- 3o- fl(}_ C-3::?28 6-8-67 ti.. ~1--------------~~S-S9_9:3V:l5_Jb:JJ:1D)_9D~-81:1E~DD:_~~-AD--~-f=l2~..Y-~.1,..;~!?~?v___ Lots 3-6, CSP amended by NCCD, ROSECRANS CAR WASH request for sign at 3768 Rosecrans St granted by SCA, C-1 Zone CSP93~0070 3-19-93---------------------------------------------------------