West Arlington Block 253
WEST ARLINGTON BLOCK 253.tif WEST ARLINGTON BLOCK 253 I" Lots 19 & 20- Permit to San Diego Bldg & Loan Assn, to erect & operate living quarters, 4" side yd, Zone M-1. Res. 64206 4-2-36 Lots 5-8- Permit to Jacob Solomon to erect an 8 1 hi fence around surplus property sales yd, 3520 Main St. Res. 1932 12-5-46 Lots 5-10- Permit to H.L. Arnhart & B,C. Beekmann to erect 2' to 4' hi concrete ret wall with 6 1 hi chain link fence & 12" ext arms proj inward with 3 strands of barb wire att, above ret wall on side & rear p. 1., where max 6' above aver grnd level, with ext arms of 12" in ht proj inwards above is perm at 3520 Main St., Zone M-1. c-5043 6-29-62 Lots 41 & 42- Permit to Arnhart Electric Co. to maint approx 150' of 6 1 hi chain link fence on top of retain wall varying in ht from 2' to 3' for a total ht varying from 6 1 to 9' along front & Sly prop lines where a 6 1 hi fence above adj ground level is perm at 3563 Dalbergia St. betw Thor & Una Sts., Zone M-1, condl C-7805 N.H. 7-21-66 Lots 21 & 22- MERCEDES AQUINO RODRIGUEZ request to allow an existing restaurant, licensed by the State Department of Alcohol Beverage Control to serve beer & wine, to have live entertainment & dancing was DENIED as requested but APPROVED with conds. by the ZA to have a maximum of 3 musicians without amplification; no dancing; hours (10- 12 midnight); & no pool tables or games associated with bars, property located at358.6 Main St., Area B. Barrio Logan Planned District. C-19591 5/15/87