West Clairemont # 2
WEST CLAIREMONT # 2.tif WEST CLAIREMONT#2. for Lots 102-104- Permit to Brattain Const Co. to const sin fam res on each lot & useVmodel homes, with sales off in gar on Lot 104' to erect & maint 1 temporary post-mounted, un- lighted 14" x 24" model ID sign & two 20' hi real estate pennants on each lot\ painted sales off signs on windows on Lot 104' add one 4 1 x 5' sales info sign on Lot 103; one 21" x 18" landscaping sign on each lot & one 4 1 x 8 1 sign on rear of lot 104' all to advert homes in a new subd "West Clairemont" for a period not to exceed 1 yr at SE cor of Barrows St. & Tenshaw Pl., Zone R-1 where sign max of 8 sq ft offering premises for sale & sin fam res on lot of record at time of zoning is perm, condl c-4735 5-8-62 Lot 133- Permit to Clifford K. & Delores E. Claxton to erect retain wall obs 0' SB on Courser Ave., where 12' SB is estab; 20' section to be 6 1 hi, 15' section to be 5' hi & balance to be 3' hi, where a max 3' hi fence in SB area is perm at 2943 Courser Ave., Wly end of St., R-1-5 zone, condl c-6388 3-12-64-i::-;t--146----.-A-.--nas--c""o""ns-idered--theA-MENDED-re-qties_t_of-jonriand-DonnaErlandsori-to(fJ-- cons tr 15' x 18 1 fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 8 1 rear yd where 20' is req; (2) locate pool equip 2' from rear prop line where 3' is req, at 3117 Courser Ave. betw Courser Court and Barrows St, Zone R-1-5 and nas (1) DENIED as req, but APPROVED fam rm addn to obs 10' rear yard (2) APPROVED. C-10466 5-21-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------